Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Love, Me

I like to write.  Some people think I have interesting things to say, and that's nice.  Sometimes some very strange things come out of my brain, but every once in awhile, we all say something worth remembering.  So, I recently decided to start jotting down some of these potentially memorable thoughts of mine. One day I hope to make a coffee table book out of all of these thoughts/quotes and of some of my favorite quotes.  Or if it were merely a book sold in gas stations and Wallgreens - even if it was toilet reading - I'd be cool with that too.

For the past few years, I've been posting a positive quote up every day on Facebook.  It's one of my favorite things about the day.  I get up, wander sleepy-eyed into the kitchen to make coffee, crawl back in my bed with my cup o' joe and my doggie, and then open my computer and search to find a quote that feels just right for the day.  It's a big commitment...and it has to be perfect.  It's going to be up there all day and there are thousands of people that might read it. Over the years - I've gotten some of the most amazing responses and reactions to the posts. Some bring me to tears, some I laugh at, and some I have no clue what the person is saying.  Either way, it warms my heart that people are out there reading them.  I thought I'd share a few of my own as of late.  So......... here are a few of my brain babies.  I hope you enjoy them.  

I want to go to bed every night feeling tired.  I want to know that I squeezed every ounce of life and living out of this day.  I want to lay my head down knowing that I positively affected someone’s life today.  I want my eyes to close knowing that I can sleep easy because I’m doing the best I can and because for every minute I’m awake I’m dreaming even more than when I sleep.  Love, Me

In every single experience and circumstance there is beauty.  If you can remember this you can find peace in so many situations.  Even in the worst situations - in death, in sickness, in heartache - there is beauty and goodness.  Seek it - it’s there, and when you find it, you’ll know and you’ll smile.  Love, Me

The arts are the hardest fields to succeed in.  They are based on relativity, opinions and creativity.  All of which can’t be caged and can’t be put into a business model.  If you go into the arts - keep this in mind and hold fast to bettering your craft instead of making money.  It is when you perfect your originality of the craft that you will find happiness.  Love, Me

Driving forward and never looking back is an important lesson in life.   Your past shapes you, but you aren’t defined by it.  Your goals are ahead of you so don’t keep looking in the rearview for too long - you’re bound to crash even if you’re on the right road.  Love, Me

My Dad once said 2 things I won’t ever forget: 1. In your lifetime, you’ll be able to count on one hand the number of people that you can truly trust.  2. You know you love someone when their needs become more important than your own.  Love, Me (and Dad)

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